The Maya Kitchen Asian Food Crawl Class Series: Pagkaing Lokal (The Other Traditional Filipino Dishes) Do you agree with the statement, “Nothing beats Pinoy comfort food”? Then, don’t miss... Father’s Day Recipes for Different Types of Dads What’s the best way to make dad feel special on Father’s Day? We’d love... Maya Kitchen Regional Cuisine: Bulakenyo Comfort Foods The Maya Kitchen aired its first Maya Kitchen Regional Cuisine Cooking demo on its... Cook Along with Isabelle Daza: Family Recipes & Cooking Hacks Last March 8 was International Women’s Day. The Maya Kitchen celebrated with a special... A Paskong Pinoy Breakfast from The Maya Kitchen What to Serve for a Filipino Christmas Breakfast The holiday season is here. If you’re... Have a Maya Christmas Breakfast It’s the holiday season and we know you’re all looking forward to Noche Buena... Tips when Baking with Yeast Using yeast in baked goods can be overwhelming for those who aren’t familiar with... 4 Quick Buttermilk Substitutes Buttermilk lends a tangy taste to baked goods. It also helps doughs rise quickly... How to Make Tough Meat Tender Tenderizing cheap and tough meat cuts doesn’t have to be difficult.Here are a few... How to Store your Flours Flours are a staple in the kitchen as they can be used both for... Guide to Cooking Oils by Smoke Points Did you know that some oils handle higher heat better than others? Make sure... How long to Marinate Here’s a quick guide on basic marinating times to ensure you get the best... Weight Conversions for Common Baking Ingredients Save this useful conversion chart that will guide you in exact and consistent measurements... Better Breakfast Month: The Maya Kitchen Way Better Breakfast Month at The Maya Kitchen The Maya Kitchen celebrates Better Breakfast Month this... Tips on How to Fix an Oversalted Dish Is the dish you’re cooking a bit saltier than usual? Don’t panic. Here are... Kitchen Conversion Chart Look! Here’s a handy conversion cheat sheet for all your cooking and baking measurement... Do-not Miss Out on These 6 Delicious & Trending Donut Recipes The humble doughnut—or “donut,” if you prefer—is that simple, satisfying circular piece of fried... Learn How to Cook Korean Food How to Ride the Korean Cooking Wave From K-Pop to K-dramas, from fashion to skincare,... Say Ole to These Flavorful Mexican Dishes Many of us already indulge our love of spice through well-cooked Mexican dishes. Unsurprisingly,... Are you storing eggs right Did you know there are better ways to store your eggs to ensure they... Common Mistakes when Baking Layer Cakes Keep these cake layering tips in mind to make sure they come out perfect... How to Cut a Recipe in Half Let our conversion hack save you from doing the math! Here’s a chart to... What Pasta goes with what Sauce Did you know that the shape of your pasta decides which sauce you should... How to Know if your Dough is Kneaded enough Kneading is one of the most important steps in making bread. But it can... Tips for Baking Better Cookies These tips are perfect your next batch of homemade cookies! Guide to Common Baking Ingredient Problems Got some problems with your baking ingredients? Here are a few quick tricks to... Tips for Making Healthier Desserts Want to indulge in something sweet and healthy at the same time? Here are... A Guide to the Best of Maya Kitchen's Online Cooking Classes Why enroll in an online cooking class? Nowadays, with all the time spent at home,... The Maya Kitchen Is Back With Online Baking and Cooking Classes Great news! The Maya Kitchen is taking our popular cooking and baking classes online.... Tips and Tricks when Baking Red Velvet Desserts Red velvet desserts are loved for their clever balance of chocolate and vanilla flavors... Tips for Using Up Noche Buena Leftovers Thinking about what to do with your Noche Buena leftovers? Here are a few... Christmas Decorating Ideas for your Desserts A sparkle here, some color there. Get started with your holiday baking with a... Tips for Preparing Noche Buena on a Budget December is finally here! Start preparing for your Christmas celebrations at home by setting... Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Cheesecake Here are some tips on how to get no-fail, no-crack, perfect cheesecake. Kakanin 101 Kakanin can be quite easy to make. Yes, you read that right. You can... 5 Quarantine Kitchen Stories to Warm Your Heart We recently launched a contest on the Maya Hotcake Facebook page asking people all... Learn Basic Cake Frosting Tips Frosting adds a sweet and eye-catching finishing touch that makes your cakes ready for... How to Properly Measure Baking Ingredients Baking is not only an art, it’s also a science since it requires precision... How to Fix Common Brownies Mistakes Whether you like ‘em cakey or fudgy, bake the brownie of your dreams every... How to Fix Common Cupcake Problems They may be small, but cupcakes can be just as tricky and time-consuming to... Delicious Cookie Recipes Looking to add new cookie recipes to your personal collection?Here are some ideas from... Cooling your Cookies on a Rack Cookies! How do you cool them? You've likely noticed that most recipes instruct you to... The Right Banana for your Banana Bread Love baking banana bread? Here’s a tip from us! The golden rule is that ripe, soft,... Common Baking Mistakes And How To Fix Them Are your baked goodies not turning out right? Here are some common baking mistakes... How to Fix Common Cookie Problems Don’t let your cookie baking dreams crumble! Our Maya Kitchen chefs have a solution... Know Your Flour: Common Flours and How To Use Them When you’re new to baking, choosing the right flour is key. Here’s a handy... 3 Common Cooking Mistakes When Pan Frying Pan-frying is not art. But sometimes it can be hard to get it... Seasoning Tricks to Improve Flavor Not quite satisfied with how your homecooked meals taste like? Here are a few... Breadmaking 101 Our chefs are sharing their tips on solving some of your common bread baking... How to Fix Common Cake Problems Being new at baking, you probably can’t help but encounter some issues along the... Common Mistakes When Baking Bread Been baking bread at home? Here’s our helpful guide on how to avoid the most... Essential Baking Tips for Beginners Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re baking! Measure your ingredients accurately Baking... Replacements for Healthier Baking -Guide to Healthy Baking Substitutions Healthy Baking Substitutions To Try You can have your cake and eat it too –... Canned Food Storage Guidelines #TheMayaKitchen helps you make the most out of your canned goods with these useful... Food that Boosts the Immune System Stock up on these healthy items on your next grocery run! Eating right is... Guide to Baking Pantry Problems How long has your baking powder been sitting on the shelf? Here’s how to tell... Cooking Ingredient Substitutions Many of us have started cooking at home, but how do you manage when... 5 Tips for a Healthy Diet Finding it hard to eat healthy these days? Here are some ways to get... Beginner Bread Baking Tips More and more people have started their own bread baking projects! Kick off yours... What Else to Make with All-Purpose Flour There are many things you can make with MAYA All-Purpose Flour other than baked... Pantry Staples During these times, products with longer shelf lives should be on top of your... How to Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Longer We know doing the groceries can be challenging nowadays, so here are some tips... Tips For Cooking Smart At Home Stocking up on too much canned goods? With a few tricks, you can cook smart... Make Your Food Last Longer Breads Refrigerating breads will onnly make it go stale quicker. Instead, place them inside a... 5 Cool Cakes For A Refreshing Summer It's still early in March but we're already feeling the heat. Can't bear to... Steak Grilling Tips There's an art to grilling steak. Although you also could say there's a good... Surf and Turf Recipes for a Romantic Valentine’s Dinner at Home Celebrating Valentine’s Day is all about grand romantic gestures. And while dinner for two... Cooking with Butter Butter, as most of us know, adds great texture and flavor to many dishes.... How to Make Tough Meat Tender Some cuts of meat are a bit harder to handle – tending to come... Guide to Cooking Tofu Adding tofu to your meal plan for the first time? It can be confusing... Common Homemade Frosting Mistakes Making frosting at home is always a better choice than buying from a store,... Eating Healthier this 2020 January is one of the most positive times of the year, making it the... Culinary Resolutions for the New Year We’ve almost reached the end of the decade! What’s your New Year’s resolution? #TheMayaKitchen has... 4 Delicious Ideas for your Leftover Christmas Ham Wondering what to do with your extra Christmas ham after Noche Buena? Here are some... 3 Ways to make Good Use of Leftover Queso de Bola Got loads of leftover queso de bola from your Noche Buena feast? Let these quick... What to do with Noche Buena Leftovers? Make the most out of your Noche Buena leftovers by transforming them into new... 3 Things to do the Night before Christmas Savor every minute of the yuletide season and save yourself from all the Christmas... Unique Noche Buena Recipes for Your Holiday Table Christmas is just around the corner, and everyone is anticipating the most exciting meal... Choosing the Right Christmas Ham A good holiday ham is undeniably the star of every Christmas spread! Here are some... Your Christmas Grocery Shopping List If you’re in the midst of your holiday shopping, we’re here to help you! Beat... Tipid Tips for Noche Buena Whether you’re planning a sprawling Christmas feast or an intimate dinner, shopping for ingredients... Cocoa vs Cacao They may be harvested from the same plant, but cocoa and cacao are two... Food Safety Reminders You can do kitchen experiments all you want and learn the best cooking methods... Basic Knife Cuts Master the art of the knife with these basic culinary cutting techniques from #TheMayaKitchen... The Perfect Fried Chicken If you love your fried chicken with an extra crunch, #TheMayaKitchen has a few... 3 Brilliant Ways to use Baking Soda You probably have baking soda in your pantry for making homemade baked goods. But... Guide to Tablespoon Conversions How many teaspoons are there in a tablespoon? How many tablespoons are there in... 3 Milk Alternatives Milk can do wonders in the kitchen - from making meat more tender to... 4 Ways to Cook with Cornstarch Cornstarch is a basic ingredient and a must-have in every pantry—and for good reason!... Throw a fantastic tapas party with Chef Noel dela Rama and The Maya Kitchen No cocktail party is complete without a spread of tapas—paired with a refreshing glass... Baking Soda vs Baking Powder While baking soda and baking powder both make your baked goods light and fluffy,... Reheating Food for the Best Flavor Did you know: How you reheat your dish can affect its texture and flavor? Here... Fruit in Jars 101 Fruity spreads all taste delicious, especially when you pair them with your toast. They... 4 Baking Ingredients you can DIY No powdered sugar? No buttermilk? No problem! There’s no need to panic if you missed... Cake Topping Ideas Surprise your guests at your next party with these new ways to decorate your... Flour 101 With the many types of flour available at the grocery store, it can be... 4 Cookie Fails Did your homemade chocolate chip cookies fall short of your expectations? #TheMayaKitchen’s got your back!... Are you overcooking your fish? Frying fish to perfection may seem like a meticulous task. Don’t worry, #TheMayaKitchen has got you... How to Bake with Less Sugar Looking for ways to cut down sugar in your sweet treats? Tweak your favorite dessert... Macaroons vs. Macarons Macarons and macaroons are in no way similar with each other—aside from being both... Tips on Baking Homemade Muffins Is your muffin dry, bland, and boring? Try these quick tips from #TheMayaKitchen and create delish... Baking with Bananas Got some overripe bananas in the kitchen? Put them to good use with these... How to bake better cupcakes Liven up your dessert spread with mouthwatering cupcakes and these tips from #TheMayaKitchen. 3 Tips to Healthier Cooking and Baking Nutrition Month is the perfect time to revamp your family’s diet! Prepare healthier versions of... How to bake the best Banana Bread Bored of the usual banana bread? Upgrade your favorite dessert treat with these simple... Why do most dessert recipes require a pinch of salt? Salt is just as essential in baking as it is in savory cooking. Here’s... The Italian Trick to Cooking Pasta Save this post from #TheMayaKitchen and whip up delicious, perfectly cooked pasta like a true Italian! How to Make Homemade Marshmallows Skip buying from the stores and make your own chewier and healthier vanilla marshmallows... Tear-free tricks for cutting onions Believe it or not, there’s a surefire way to cut onions without crying. Just... 3 Tips to Make Your Kid's Baon More Exciting Hey, moms! It’s back-to-school season again Why you should use unsalted butter when baking Here’s a commonly asked question by beginner bakers! Find out why opting for unsalted... Quick tips when Pan-Frying Here are three useful tips to keep in mind next time you cook! 4 Life Skills Kids Learn When Cooking Here are 4 awesome reasons why your kids should join #TheMayaKitchen summer culinary classes! Enroll your little... How to perfectly slice a cake Who knew that a glass of hot water is all you need for a... How to Zest a Lemon Adding a bit of lemon zest is a great way to elevate a dish... How to Make Buttercream Roses Decorate your cakes and cupcakes like a pro! Here’s a simple step-by-step tutorial on... How to Make Candied Oranges Sweet candied orange slices are the perfect way to fancy up a frosted cake... How to perfectly crack an egg Ever cracked an egg and wound up with bits of shells in the bowl? Follow... How to make Caramel Sauce Did you know that you can make a thick and gooey caramel sauce in... 3 Tips for the Best Fried Rice Who doesn’t love fried rice? Here’s some tips on making your own! 4 Tips for Making a Great Salad Transform ho-hum salads into delicious dishes with these tips. Baking Tips for Better Brownies Here’s our easy guide to making the best brownies ever! Tips for Light and Fluffy Omelettes Here’s what to keep in mind next time you’re whipping up an omelet. Top Tips for the Perfect Steak Here’s how to make yourself the perfect steak. Basic Healthy Cooking Tips Who says eating healthy can’t be delicious? Here are some ways to make your... How to Build a Healthier Sandwich Time to make better sandwiches! 3 Salt Hacks for the Kitchen Salt is one of the most useful tools in your kitchen arsenal! Red Velvet Vs. Chocolate Cake You might think that red velvet is just chocolate cake with coloring, but there... How to get perfectly sliced brownies and bars Here's how to slice your brownies without any mess! How to Keep Fruits & Veggies Fresh Keeping your fruits and vegetables fresh can be a real challenge. But #TheMayaKitchen has got you... 4 Ways to Cook Everything Faster Bookmark this post and follow these cool time-saving tips from #TheMayaKitchen to speed up... What Not to Do Baking Cupcakes Don’t let these baking mistakes ruin your cupcakes. Avoid these common mishaps by taking... Popular Diet to Try in 2019 Are a healthy lifestyle and losing weight part of your New Year’s resolutions? To help... Quick Tips on Baking Soft and Moist Cakes Whip up a cake that’s perfectly soft, moist, and delicious by following these easy... Cooking Healthier for 2019 Ring in the new year by making healthy changes to your cooking. Try these... New Year's Food Resolutions It’s that time of the year where everyone starts making new year’s resolutions. Here... Fuss-free Cooking Tips Whether you’re a kitchen ninja or just starting your culinary adventures, these tricks from #TheMayaKitchen... Cupcakes Vs. Muffins Cupcakes and muffins are cousins, not siblings. These go-to snack treats may have the... How To Save Time In The Kitchen Meal planning, grocery shopping, and preparation really takes a lot of time and effort. But... Baking the Perfect Cheesecake What to Do with Leftover Christmas Lechon When it comes to Noche Buena, #lechon is the undisputed star of the feast. If you’re... Merry Christmas The Maya Kitchen wishes everyone a merry and meaningful Christmas! Last-minute Noche Buena Tips Many Filipinos prepare a bountiful feast of sumptuous dishes for Noche Buena but never... Holiday Cooking Hacks Making these emergency substitutions means you’ll have nothing to worry about in case you... Healthy Holiday Baking Did you know you can make delicious desserts without using sugar? Try these awesome... 3 Things Every Beginner Cook Should Know Make your daily tasks in the kitchen easier with these brilliant cooking tips from #TheMayaKitchen!... Traditional Christmas Foods Around the World Ever wonder what Christmas dishes abroad look like? Simple Tips to Make Food Taste Better It’s never too late to up your cooking game just in time for Christmas. Tips to Prep your Kitchen for Christmas Working the kitchen during Christmas doesn’t need to be stressful. Here are some handy... Top 10 Noche Buena Essentials With Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to start planning your Noche Buena... 3 Food Safety Myths Debunked It’s time to bust these food safety myths—here’s what you should REALLY be doing. 4 Tips in Buying Christmas Ham No Pinoy holiday spread is complete without Christmas ham! Here are 4 things to... Tips for Baking Better Cakes Planning to bake for the holidays? Here are some nifty tips for making better... How to Bake the Perfect Sugar Cookies Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with the perfect sugar cookie. Here’s... Noche Buena on a Budget Impress your family and friends without blowing your budget this holiday season! Try these budget-friendly... 4 Kitchen Hacks You Should Know Whether you’re a beginner or kitchen expert, these tricks from #TheMayaKitchen can make your... Taking Food to your Christmas Potluck Party When it comes to cooking for potluck parties, one of the main things to... How to Cook the Perfect Pasta Everyone says pasta is the easiest to cook! Here are a couple of tips... How to Bake Better Desserts Here are some basic baking reminders from #TheMayaKitchen that you can try the next... How to Garnish with Citrus Spice up your dishes with these citrus garnishes from #TheMayaKitchen! Which ones are your... Cooking with Olive Oil Olive oil can give your food more flavor and depth while still being nutritious.... Baking with Chocolate Chocolate may be one of the most-loved, most-familiar ingredients out there, but do you... 3 Ways to Improve Flavor When it comes to cooking, the secret is always in the details. Give your... Cooking for a Holiday Party Got a holiday potluck party coming soon? Here are some tips on serving up... Newbie's Guide to Baking Essentials Assemble your baking arsenal with these 5 essential items to give you an easy,... Fondant vs. Buttercream Everyone who bakes a cake must eventually make a decision: fondant or buttercream icing? Here’s... Deep Frying without a Deep Fryer A deep fryer is the key to making your favorite snacks—from battered fried chicken... How to Keep Homemade Cookies Fresh How do you make sure your cookies taste freshly-baked for weeks? Here are a... How to Bake a Cake in a Mug Mug cakes are the Internet’s favorite new dessert! These convenient treats are all the... Piping 101 Here’s a guide to basic piping designs for each nozzle, guaranteed to get you... The World of Short Pasta Find out the best ways to use different types of short pasta in this... How to Cook Wild Mushrooms Have you ever tried adding mushrooms in your family meal recipes? Follow #TheMayaKitchen’s guide... 4 Ways to Brew Coffee There are so many ways to make your own cup of coffee at home... How to Keep Cheese Fresh and Mold-Free Cheese is one of the most popular kitchen staples in the world, but keeping... 4 Ways to Use Lemon Peels Did you know that you can still use your leftover lemon peels in the... Healthy Pantry Staples Want to whip up a healthy quick meal at home? Stock up with these... How To Make Baking Healthier Satisfy your sugar cravings without compromising your fitness goals by following The Maya Kitchen’s... How to Measure Sticky Ingredients Whether it’s peanut butter, corn syrup, or marshmallow fluff, you won’t need to scrape... Cooking Skills Kids Can Learn Getting your kids involved in the kitchen is one of the best ways to... How to Swap Sugar with Honey Looking for a healthier and more natural alternative sweetener? Substitute your sugar for honey with... How to Teach Kids to Use Knives Teaching your little one how to use different knives in the kitchen can be... Alternatives to Sugar If you’re looking for the healthiest sweetener options, check out The Maya Kitchen’s guide... Every Type of Coffee Explained How do you like your coffee? Check out The Maya Kitchen’s guide on different types... Latte Art Guide Unleash your creativity while getting your caffeine fix with this handy Latte Art Guide... Out of eggs? Did you know that you can try these egg substitutes for your baking recipes?... Cheese 101 If you know the proper way to use them, cheeses can make any dish... Tiny Measurement's Guide Ever wonder what a dash of salt means? To solve this common culinary mystery, check... Basic Cooking Skills Every Adult Should Know Can you do all the things on this list? Oven Temperature Conversions Save this oven temperature conversion cheat sheet from The Maya Kitchen so you can... Simple Baking Swaps Run out of essential baking ingredients? We’ve got an ingredient swap cheat sheet to... Foods to Never Put in the Freezer You can’t put everything in the fridge, so here’s The Maya Kitchen’s handy guide... Know which dried spices and herbs can add your desired flavor into your favorite... Tips for Cooking in a Small Kitchen Maximize your small kitchen space with these life-changing cooking tricks perfect for a compact... Are You Cooking your Eggs Right? Eggs seem like a simple, straightforward protein to cook, but somehow, there are times... How Long Does Meat Last in the Fridge? How long can you keep an uncooked chicken in your freezer? Check out The Maya... Baking 101 What to Add if a Dish is Too Spicy Accidentally made your dish a bit too spicy? Not to worry—here’s The Maya Kitchen’s... Guide to Choosing Oils Did you know that different oils address different cooking needs? Here’s The Maya Kitchen’s... Know Your Knives With so many kinds of knives out there, picking the right ones can be... Different Types of Cuts Did you know that how you slice your vegetables greatly affect your dish’s cooking? Here... 4 Secret Ingredients for Chinese Cuisine 3 Rules to Cook Pasta Cooking pasta seems basic, but it's also easy to mess up—here are The Maya... Baking Dos & Don'ts The right measurement of ingredients can make or break your baked goodies. Here are the... Veggie Cooking Cheat Sheat Not sure how to cook your favorite vegetables? The Maya Kitchen has got you... Cooking with Kids in the Kitchen Children love to be involved in grown up stuff, whether it's visiting the grocery... How to Make Tofu Taste Good While proteins like steak, chicken, and pork can easily be seasoned with salt and... Recommended Freezer Storage Times Freezers are a lifesaver when it comes to meal prepping and stashing leftovers, but... Egg Freshness Test Here’s a clever way you can easily check if your eggs are still fresh.... How To Make Food Last Longer Maximize your storage with these three genius hacks that will make your food last... Cooking Measurement Guide Cooking can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, especially if it's your first time. If... Handling Seafood Safety As you start getting into #UncomplicatedCooking, be mindful of how you handle your seafood: poorly... Don't Cry Over Onions Chopping onions is surefire way to turn on the waterworks which is why The Maya... Maya Hotcake Art takes your breakfast skills to the next level in four easy steps Maya puts an imaginative twist to a beloved breakfast staple, bringing art and food... 8 Ways to Cook Seafood Right In a recent article, we gave you three basic tips on how to choose,... It’s a Fishy Business As a nation of over 7000 islands, it's no surprise that Filipinos love seafood. And... Pure Picnic Pleasure Ah, summer—when the sun is shining and the weather is sweet. The temperatures are... The Ultimate Summer K-Dessert We’re all aware that Manila heat is no joke during the summer months. Aside... Baguio Belly When Filipinos look for a welcome respite from the tropical summer heat, for many... What to Eat This Holy Week Holy Week is a welcome break for many of us and the perfect opportunity... Cool Summer Food Tips Summer is finally here! Now's the perfect time to break out your grill for... Single Serve Meals If you're struggling with portion control, a great way to address that is by... 15 Tips on Travelling & Eating Healthy We all know that eating when traveling can take its toll on your waistline.... Leftover Bread Hacks As much as we love bread in our daily meals--whether for breakfast, lunch, merienda,... 3 Meal Prep Tips for Beginners Let’s face it, we love cooking and eating, but many of us just don’t... Love Loaf! Who doesn’t love a loaf of fresh bread? Whether it's store bought or fresh... Yummy Cups It’s one thing to eat what’s served in a cup, but it’s an entirely... Preserve the Herb Herbs in cooking can make all the difference in the way a meal tastes.... Chinese New Year Eats The Lunar New Year is the most important festival for the Chinese community in... Cooking Up Some Romance With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we’re sure you’re already planning how best... Hotcake Happiness Food can really put a smile on anyone’s face, especially dishes that call to... Celebrating Valentine's These days, Valentine's Day is typically associated with heart-shaped chocolates, flowers, and all kinds... Let’s Go Green! We at the Maya Kitchen wholeheartedly agree that eating right is one of the... Basic Baking Weekends Basic Baking is The Maya Kitchen's most popular class. It's a certificate course offering... Lucky New, Lucky You Aside from joy and giving, this is indeed the season of enjoying one fantastic... Simbang Gabi Brunch Simbang Gabi is a tradition that many Filipinos practice in anticipation of Christmas, and... Elite Recipes: Chef Myrna Segismundo The best Christmases are filled with happy memories of childhood, and heartfelt yearning for... 12 Cakes of Christmas It's Christmastime once again! You know what this means --- eating. And lots of... Nina Daza Puyat Updates Her Mom's Recipes At The Maya Kitchen When one mentions Nora Daza, great food comes to mind. A true champion of... Color It Red Velvet It is December once again. As the song goes - "It's the most wonderful... Western Holiday Dining Recently, we wrote about celebrating the holidays with a Filipino feast. In this article,... 2017 Top 10 Lifestyle Classes Let's have a look at the past twelve months, and see which classes were... Your Filipino Holiday Feast It’s that time of the year again to forego our diets and indulge in... Kain Mga Kapatid! (Eat Like Andres) We can all look forward to some quality time with our families on this... Ready to Go The long break is almost over and now that you’ve had some time to... 3 Savory Pancake Recipes You Need in Your Life Pancakes in the morning. Pancakes in the afternoon. Pancakes at night. Pancakes are perfect... Happy Hallo-wine Wine in cupcakes; does that sound crazy, or not? Actually, yes it’s crazy—crazy good... The Comfort Trio In this feature, we’re going to talk about one of our favorite comfort foods,... 10 Non-Hotcake Recipes Using Maya Hotcake Mix Maya Hotcake Mix is known for making the fluffiest n' tastiest hotcakes your taste... 5 Tips and Tricks for the Best Hotcakes This time, we’re giving you five insider tricks to making the best batch of... Hotcakes How To If there’s one thing that we at the Maya Kitchen know, it’s hotcakes. Two Become One If there’s anything that makes any baked good extra delicious, it’s the combination of... Turning Japanese Filipinos nowadays seem to have an obsession with Japanese food. Though some would beg to... Elite Recipes: Chef Luis Chikiamco Chef Luis Chikiamco graced The Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite Series last March 25, 2017,... Top Recipes: Chef Mira Angeles’ Spell Kitchen Over a decade of being a chef and a lifetime of loving food has... The Color Purple In 2016, the world was beginning to recognize ube (or purple yam) as a... The Layer Game We Filipinos are proud of our bread and pastries. Happy, Healthy Fun for the Long Weekend We have two long weekends coming up and now that summer is long gone,... Top Eats: Spell Kitchen Spell Kitchen is a cozy restaurant situated in Tomas Morato, Quezon City. serving American,... A Modern Twist Nowadays, when you dine at Filipino restaurants, you’ll find that you can enjoy many... Elite Recipes: French cooking in the Filipino home with Chef Xavier Btesh When you think of French cuisine, it’s likely you’ll be teleporting yourself to a... Our Merienda of Champions! If there’s any Filipino dish that is both comforting and sweetly delicious at the... The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread When it comes to doing groceries for a household you would be hard pressed... Say We Do Of all of the adorable things a newlywed couple can do when they get... Xavier Btesh's French Kusina Chef Xavier Btesh brings us his own signature "kusina" twist on French dishes on... Rainy Days are Here Again If you haven’t already noticed, rainy season has arrived. Bottled Gourmet Isn't it wonderful when you receive gourmet in a bottle gifts? These wonderful mason... It’s My Turn, Dad It’s pretty difficult to come up with a really great Father’s Day gift for... A Taste of Italy If you want the real taste of Italy, then you yourself must know how... A Salute to Filipino Cuisine Philippine Independence Day is a holiday that requires us to remember what it means... Back to School Breakfast & Baon Tips Mom and dad, it’s about that time of the year that you prep yourselves... It’s Party Time! If there’s one thing we Filipinos are known for throughout the world, it’s that... End it with a Splash It’s almost the end of summer. We’re all going to miss the activities and... Buttercream Flower Toppers Gum paste and fondant are wonderful ways to decorate your cake with flowers, but... The Best Gift Mom. That one word has the power to make us feel loved, happy, safe,... Baking Magic with the Family Only one month left before summer ends, and your little ones are still bursting... Work Hard, Eat Well Labor Day is something we Filipinos look forward to yearly. Not just because it’s... Elite Recipes: L’ Aubergine at The Maya Kitchen Executive Chef Julian Koeberl of L’ Aubergine showed how he does ‘Creative European Cooking’... Everyday Easter There are a number of ways that Easter Sunday is so relevant to Filipinos.... Celebrate Your Graduate March and April make up graduation season for most Filipinos, and the celebration is... Teen's Culinary Series, Summer 2017 Summer is the most anticipated time of the year at The Maya Kitchen. It... Hot Cold Summer Summer has officially arrived! The temperatures are rising to the point that we’re willing... Something Fishy You don’t need to be a pescetarian to appreciate the goodness of seafood, especially... Chef Luis Chikiamco of Discovery Primea's Tapenade at The Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite Series Executive Chef of the Discovery Primea since 2014 Chef Luis Chikiamco will grace The... Summertime Picnic We at The Maya Kitchen can't think of a better thing to do this... Panagbenga Pancake Art Last February, Baguio City celebrated "Panagbenga", an annual, month-long flower festival that reflects the... Kitchen Cleanliness Basics Germs thrive in kitchens. They thrive in a lot of other places too, but... Top Recipes: Come Forth Kitchen It was a short but sweet display of the simplicity and elegance that comes... Elite Recipes: Chef Penk Ching at The Maya Kitchen It was sugar and spice and everything nice as renowned pastry chef, sugar artist,... Healthy Hacks for Dieters The rewards of baking are limitless — especially when what comes out of your... The More the Merrier Sometimes less is more, but in this case, we at The Maya Kitchen beg... Bake Magic Together The MAYA "Bake Magic Together: 40 Recipes for the Whole Family to Make" is... Top Eats Presents Come Forth Kitchen Top Eats, The Maya Kitchen’s newest culinary demo featuring top casual restaurants and foodie... Miracle Mix: 5 Health Benefits of Juicing It’s the second of month of 2017. What are you doing to live a... Make It at Home What would you say if we told you that preparing meals at home instead... Maya Decadence Premium Mixes Maya Decadence Premium Mix is Maya's higher quality line of cake and brownie mixes... Afternoon Tea Party Enjoying afternoon tea is more of a British tradition, thus quite foreign to most... Tikoy and Chinese New Year January 28 is the official start of Chinese New Year 2017 and the Year... Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love Is getting your kids to eat healthy foods a battle in your home? If... Rizal X Adobo: A Genuine Filipino Tradition The end of the year is always momentous for Filipinos. Aside from New Year’s... Elite Recipes: Chef Jessie's Christmas Menu at The Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite Series Highlights and recipes from Chef Jessie Sincioco's "Flavors of an Elegant Filipino Christmas" at... Elite Recipes: Flatiron Graces Maiden Top Eats Series Flatiron, under the helm of Chef Vicky Pacheco took the spotlight as the maiden... The Taste of the Season We’ve heard it so often said: “I’m going to put on a lot of... Hack This! (Part 2) For those of you who have already read the first part of our helpful... Top Recipes: Kanto Freestyle Breakfast One of the pioneers of the breakfast-all-day concept, Kanto Freestyle Breakfast, recently shared their... The Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite Series features Chef Jessie’s Christmas Table For multi-awarded chef, Chef Jessie Sincioco, Christmas will always be the time to cook... Why You’ll Love Pancakes for Merienda We, at The Maya Kitchen, did our research and were pleasantly surprised to discover... Top Eats Presents Kanto Freestyle Saturday, November 26, 2016, from 1PM to 3PM, Top Eats, The Maya Kitchen’s newest... Elite Recipes: How Chef Sau del Rosario Does Noche Buena There were a lot of heartwarming stories, a great deal of laughter but in... A Closer Look at the Crepe We at The Maya Kitchen like to think of crepes as a sophisticated yet... Hack This! If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you’ll find a number... Bento Box Meals at The Maya Kitchen Bento is a takeout or home-packed meal very common in Japan. Traditionally, bento is... Make Chocolate, Bake a Meringue at The Maya Kitchen November is a wonderful month to learn cooking and baking at The Maya Kitchen. Top Eats Presents Flat Iron Top Eats, the Maya Kitchen's newest culinary demo featuring top casual restaurants and foodie... Have a Hotcake Halloween! Ahhhhh, Halloween! One of our favorite holidays of the year on so many levels—where... Foodie Trends Made Popular by Millennials Today’s food trends are largely influenced by Generation Y. Members of this generation were... Top Eats What makes food so special? We love many people and things in life, but... Simply Delicious Wins in Gourmand 2016 and Gintong Aklat Awards 2016 The Maya Kitchen's 50th anniversary cookbook entitled "Simply Delicious" has garnered two major awards... What World Food Day Means MAYA would like to invite you to celebrate World Food Day this coming October... Christmas Food Gifts One way to stay on budget, and thank all those who have been a... Halloween Buffet How-To Kids love Halloween. And in reality, more than a few adults ever outgrow it. Cake Rolls, Icing and Cupcakes At The Maya Kitchen There’s a lot of baking going on at The Maya Kitchen this month of... Top 10 Culinary Elite Series Recipes 2016 We've put together a Top 10 list of the most viewed recipes to-date, as... Pavement Splatter Paint Here's another creative play idea from the folks at The Maya Kitchen. First things... Edible Puff Paint We at The Maya Kitchen are all for creative play. It's a healthy way... Romulo Café at The Maya Kitchen Alessandra Romulo Squillantini, granddaughter of the late statesman Carlos P. Romulo, and her husband... Finally Learn to Cook and Bake at The Maya Kitchen Get to love to cook and bake this month of September at The Maya... A Daily Dose of Healthy In recent years we’ve become more health conscious. In fact, healthy living and eating... We're New Gen Bakers. We Bake Magic Together! Be a New Gen Baker and bring the fun and learning into the kitchen.... Elite Recipes: The Best of Lolo Dad's It was like coming home. The taste, the smell, the presentation brought back the... 80s Throwback: Cookies and Bars of Our Childhood Growing up in the 80s was awesome. Ours was the generation that somehow had... Sushi and the Pinoy Raw fish. These two words are enough to evoke disgust in almost anyone, but... Celebrate National Heroes Day with 5 of Our Pinoy Dessert Faves National Heroes Day is coming up this August 29, and there's no better way... Meringue, Bars, and Cookies at The Maya Kitchen Learn how to bake, make that perfect cup of coffee, and cook a great... Elite Recipes: A Weekend of Wonderful French Fare Chef Patrice Freuslon of Society Lounge did not disappoint as he whipped up one... Pies and Quiches: What's the Deal? Have you met anyone who didn't like quiches or pies? We haven't either! Elite Recipes: Chef Tatung Revisits Pinoy Classics To always remember, utilize and propagate native ingredients and to continuously cook Filipino dishes... Food Safety Tips for MAYA Pancakes Making pancakes can be a really wonderful family bonding experience. Here are a few... How To Make MAYA Pancake Art Who doesn't love pancake art? It's fun, it's messy, you can make animals, cartoon... Cake Decorating with Chef Penk Ching at The Maya Kitchen Renowned cake décor expert, sugar artist and all around culinary master, Chef Penk Ching... Hotcakes, the Food of a Filipino Childhood Life is so simple when you’re young. As grown ups, we tend to forget... What’s So Great About Knowing How to Cook? Not everybody is a natural when it comes to cooking. While there are those... “I Hate to Cook” Cooking Class and More at The Maya Kitchen The Maya Kitchen’s ‘I Hate to Cook” Cooking Class Series will teach you the... I Hate to Cook! Clueless in the kitchen? Not anymore! The Maya Kitchen's "I Hate To Cook" cooking... Hotcake Weekends, 4-Ways Make Saturday and Sunday breakfasts something to look forward to, by whipping up a... “Revisiting Pinoy Classics” by Chef Tatung Chef Tatung brings us back to the kitchen of old with well-loved Filipino dishes... Chef Tatung's Culinary Heritage Michael Giovan Sarthou III, popularly known as Chef Tatung, is a chef, writer and... The Maya Kitchen Makes Father's Day Extra Special Make Dad feel even more loved with these select recipes from The Maya Kitchen. Megastar Celebration Treats Whether it's your kid's birthday or a simple get-together with friends, Celebrations by Sharon... The Maya Kitchen Has Something for Everyone in June This June, The Maya Kitchen has just about everything for everyone. It's Fiesta Time with Maya Give the usual fiesta fare a twist with unique serving styles and pairings from... Using Whole, Whipped, & Separated Eggs when Making Hotcakes At The Maya Kitchen, we love finding ways to make recipes better, and understanding... June 2016 Kid's Baking Adventures & Young Baker’s Hangout Due to popular demand, The Maya Kitchen extends its kid’s and teen’s baking classes... L’ Aubergine’s Creative European Cooking at The Maya Kitchen The Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite Series presents Chef Julian Koeberl form L’ Aubergine on... Elite Recipes: Claude Tayag at The Maya Kitchen Claude Tayag, well-known artist, author and chef, shared tips and tricks from his cooking... Isang “Busy Month of May” sa The Maya Kitchen Inaanyayahan ng The Maya Kitchen ang lahat ng mga kabataan at mga “young at... It’s a Busy Month of May at The Maya Kitchen Young and old alike will find so many things to learn this May at... Recipes for May 2016 KIDS and TEENS Cooking and Baking Classes Join the final batch of our yearly summer cooking and baking classes. Think Heart Beach Body Pancake This chicken in papillote paired with paper-thin whole wheat hotcakes is a healthy and... Maya Lotte Pepero Baking Mixes Enjoy the distinctive Maya brand of quality baking mixes combined with Lotte Pepero's premium... Elite Recipes: Chef Gene Gonzalez’ Culinary Gems from Old Pampanga It was Chef Gene Gonzalez’ turn at The Maya Kitchen Culinary Elite Series when... Magical Tour Sa Mga Bata at Cool Foodie Hangouts sa Kabataan sa The Maya Kitchen Magiging mas masaya at makabuluhan ang bakasyon para sa mga bata at kabataan sa... Matuto ng Paggawa ng Pies at Iba pa sa The Maya Kitchen Sa buwan ng Marso, magbibigay ang The Maya Kitchen ng mga kurso tulad ng... We Love Pies and More at The Maya Kitchen This March, The Maya Kitchen offers classes on the basics of baking and cooking... 10 Minute Good for the Heart Desserts As the love month comes to a close, The Maya Kitchen leaves you with... Valentine Treats Last Saturday, February 6, The Maya Kitchen conducted an interesting lifestyle class called "Valentine... Mag-aral ng mga Baking Courses sa The Maya Kitchen Mahilig ka bang mag-bake o nagnanais matuto nito? Magbibigay ang The Maya Kitchen... Bake to Your Heart’s Content at The Maya Kitchen Do you love to bake? Do you want to learn how to bake? The... Romancing The Maya Kitchen Every February, The Maya Kitchen offers a unique Valentine's dining experience for couples who... Undermixed, Overmixed and the Perfect Maya Hotcake Making the perfect hotcake all depends on how you mix the batter. Chef Gene Gonzalez’ Culinary Gems from Old Pampanga You cannot talk about the local culinary cuisine without mentioning the name Chef Gene... Elite Recipes: A Christmas Dinner Larry Would Love It was a homage to the late Larry J. Cruz whose keen love of... The Right Way to Mix Hotcake Batter The fluffiness and tastiness of hotcakes depend on how you mix the batter. Here's... The Maya Kitchen’s 'Simply Delicious’ (The Book Launch) It was a stellar gathering of culinary icons, esteemed chefs, dedicated foodies, the media... Beer in Disguise For any grown man, October means one thing. Oktoberfest. And that means beer. Although... Chef Marc Aubry of Champêtre Restaurant at The Maya Kitchen A cozy, laidback atmosphere. Impeccable service. Outstanding food of classic French provincial cuisine. This... Magical Soda Can Cakes For kids, October can mean only one thing --- Halloween! Instead of going for... Elite Recipes: Chef Sharwin Tee’s Wit and Delicious Food at The Maya Kitchen “Anything tastes better with bacon!” With this in mind, TV Chef Sharwin Tee delighted... Kiddie Sleepover Snacks If you're a parent with early level grade school children, then be prepared for... Simply Delicious: 50 Years of Good Food from MAYA For more than fifty years, MAYA products and The Maya Kitchen have been part... Culinary Elite Series: Claude Tayag “From a Kapampangan Palate to an Artist’s Palette: An Update on 4 Pampango Dishes,”... Makabayan na Cakes The month of August celebrates nationalism and all things Filipino. On this particular month, we... It’s Chef Sharwin Tee’s Turn at The Maya Kitchen One of the local television's most beloved chefs gets his turn to share wit,... Food for the Rainy Days The onset of the rainy season means bad weather and being cooped up at... Champorado of Champions Now that the rainy season is upon us, few can bring the same comfort of having... Elite Recipes: European Food Made Simple with Cara Davis Chef Cara Davis, a young Filipino-Canadian chef shared her recipes of select dishes from... This Cake is Really the Ultimate Rice Cooker Hotcake This lovely cake, fondly named "Goin' Bananas," is actually a Rice Cooker Hotcake. Flavored... Elite Recipes: A New Twist on Japanese Cooking with Seiji Kamura Chef Seiji Kamura once again amazed with his take on Japanese dishes at his... Yummy Wedding Treats It's wedding season once again, and edible giveaways and treats are all the rage.... Elite Recipes: A Day in Tuscany with L’Opera’s Chef Luciano Paolo Nesi Chef Luciano Paolo Nesi of L’Opera thrilled his audience with his repertoire of fresh... Sandwiches ng mga Professional Gone are the days of lunching on chips and softdrinks, or oppositely, splurging the... Extraordinary Pinoy Recipes from XO46 Heritage Bistro XO46 Heritage Bistro, the brainchild of husband and wife restaurateurs Andrew Masigan and Sandee... 10 Yellow Cake Mix Recipes Yellow cake mix is the the most prevalent and familiar-tasting among cake mixes. Here... XO46 - Culinary Elite Series May 2015 XO46 Heritage Bistro is featured in The Maya Kitchen's Culinary Elite Series. As a... Jr. Masterchef Kyle Imao, Back for Kids' Kitchen Adventure Jr. Masterchef Champion Kyle Imao is back at the Maya Kitchen for another summer... Kids' Kitchen Adventure (Summer 2015) Your 6 to 12 year olds will learn the basics of food preparation and... Meet the Chefs: Charina Cano Ms. Charina Cano is the Sr. Food Researcher and Demonstrator at the Maya Kitchen... Flavors of the World – A Teen Cooking and Baking Camp This Summer, take your 13 to 19 year-olds on another fantastic kitchen adventure with... 1771 Secrets The 1771 group of restaurants (Sentro 1771, Cafe 1771, Chateau 1771, Winebar 1771 and... Top 10 Recipes for 2014 2014 was another year full of wonderful celebrations, and delicious food. Of course, the... Culinary Elite Series: Chef Paolo Nesi of L'Opera Ristorante Luciano Paolo Nesi, world-class restaurateur of Italian fine dining, a trained Sommelier (AIS-WSA), WSET... Meet the Chefs: Elvie Ibale Elvira M. Ibale otherwise known as "Ms. Elvie" is no stranger to those who... Why We Love to Bake Whether they are layer cakes, pastries, or cupcakes, more and more people are getting... Valentine's Theme Cakes Valentine's is just around the corner --- a day recognized the world over, as... What We Do @ The Maya Kitchen The Maya Kitchen is known as a culinary and baking institute which has been... 10 Most Popular Maya Kitchen Classes Aside from its 4 day short courses on BASIC BAKING and BASIC CULINARY, the... Noche Buena Noche Buena is usually the grandest and most anticipated feast in the Philippines. Every... Maya Sweet 50: 50 Delicious Years In celebration of The Maya Kitchen's 50th anniversary, we have come up with a... 10 Interesting Facts About The Maya Kitchen The Maya Kitchen Culinary Arts Center is known to people of all ages, regardless... 10 Things You Didn't Know About Maya You probably know Maya because of their hotcake mixes, but there’s so much more... Christmas Food and Gift Ideas The yuletide season is upon us once again. You can feel it in the... A Christmas Dinner Larry Would Love In 1979, Larry J.Cruz, a journalist and information man, made a career change and... Chef Cara Davis: European Food Made Simple A fresh face in the culinary arts scene, Cara has worked and apprenticed alongside... Chef Martin Kaspar "A la Carte" A Swiss national who has honed his skills in various kitchens and restaurants overseas... BASIC CULINARY and BASIC BAKING Short Courses 4 Days BASIC CULINARY Course DAY 1 1. Lecture: Kitchen Organization Hygiene and Sanitation Food Contamination Kitchen Tools and... Kiddie Party Activity Options Cupcake Baking Cookie Decorating FREEBIES Balloon décor Letter cut-out for the birthday celebrant background Invitations for 20 kids MENU... Filipino Cuisine, a la Romulo Cafe Romulo Cafe has established itself as a fine Filipino restaurant serving up traditional local... Lolo Dad's Chef Ariel Manuel For 13 years, until it closed its doors last December 2013, Lolo Dad’s was... Chef Patrice Freuslon - Passionate for French Cooking French chef owner, Patrice Freuslon, of Society Lounge and Riviera, describes his cuisine as... Mother's Day Baking Class Treat your Mom to a different kind of celebration this Mother's Day! Spend some... Family Matters: A Family Cooking and Baking Class Extend time with family in the kitchen! Give a new meaning to family bonding... Young Chefs’ Kitchen Teens’ Culinary Series This April and May, let your children explore the joys of cooking... VASK at The Maya Kitchen Regional cuisines from the Basque Country and the North of Spain take center stage... Chef Fern Aracama Recreates Childhood Media Noche Well known Chef Fernando “Fern” Aracama recalls fond memories of Christmas past in his... Farm to Table — Organic Gourmet Cuisine On September 28, Saturday, 9am–1pm, Chef Robby Goco, the man behind the Cyma Greek... Ilustrado Restaurant’s ‘Breaking Bread with our Heroes’ at The Maya Kitchen Ilustrado, the home of heritage Filipino–Spanish cuisine shares well loved dishes from our heroes’... Nora V. Daza — The Great Culinary Icon Nora Villanueva Daza was born and raised in the province of Pampanga where her love... ‘No Borders Cuisine’ at The Maya Kitchen The Maya Kitchen presents the ‘No Borders Cuisine’ of guest chef Vicky Pacheco, Chateau 1771 Group...